Leave a legacy – Bequest
Leaving a legacy of generosity and compassion is a lasting way to make a difference in the world. Your bequest, no matter the size, will help ensure that our mission continues for generations to come.
Including TTAG in your will or trust is a simple yet powerful way to make a lasting impact. Your gift will support our efforts to create positive change in the lives of those we serve, long after you are gone.
Leaving a legacy of generosity and compassion is a lasting way to make a difference in the world. Your bequest, no matter the size, will help ensure that our mission continues for generations to come.
Making a bequest is easy and can be as simple as including a clause in your will or trust. You can choose to leave a specific amount, a percentage of your estate, or a particular asset to TTAG. Your gift can be structured to suit your personal circumstances and financial goals.
We would be honoured to have you as a part of our legacy society and to work with you to ensure that your Bequest supports the causes that are most important to you.
For more information on how to include our association in your will or trust, please contact us on info@ticsandtourette.org. Together, we can create a legacy of kindness and compassion that will last for generations.