Become a member!

Tics and Tourette Across the Globe is reality!

Tics and Tourette Across the Globe (TTAG) e.V. is now officially registered as an umbrella association representing a community of Tics and Tourette Syndrome (TS) associations collaborating at an international level to improve conditions for people touched by tics and TS. TTAG is a non-profit association founded in 2022, registered in Hannover, Germany to serve an international community.

TTAG allows for collaborative advocacy, bringing Tics and Tourette on the forefront of international communities, governments, health professionals, educators, policy makers and other relevant stakeholders.

Our objectives are to:

Establish and promote an exchange of information, experience, best practices, and experts throughout the world to improve the lives of people with TS.
Develop relationships and exchange information with other relevant international and/or global organisations with similar aims.

Represent those concerned to all international institutions and liaise with other Non-Governmental Organisations sharing similar aims and objectives.
Promote TS awareness on a global level, promoting evidence-based treatment and supporting the efforts of its members throughout the world, combating ignorance, stigma and intolerance with regard to TS.

Aid the establishment of TS associations in more countries around the world.
Support for, and participation in, national and international scientific research and surveys with particular emphasis on early diagnosis and intervention.

We believe in having a stronger voice working together.

The more members supporting us, the bigger and stronger we become!

Membership Categories

Tourettes Associations

TTAG is a global community welcoming Tourette associations to become a member to support TTAGs purposes and aims.

This category includes associations working and advocating for people with tics and Tourette Syndrome (TS). As a member association, you become part of a larger community. We share experiences, ideas, resources and support each other.

Your benefits

  • obtain peer support from other Tourette associations and share best practices
  • opportunity to share expertise and support other countries to establish their own advocacy work
  • increased opportunities to take part in international research
  • opportunities to take part in international project and activities
  • access to joint campaigns for information and awareness
  • exchange of centralised, reliable knowledge and resources exchange at a global level
  • networking opportunities between advocates, clinicians and researchers from all over the world
  • opportunity to support TTAG’s goals through active work and participation in specific committees
  • opportunity to influence TTAG’s framework by exercising the right to vote at the General Assembly incl. the nomination of Board members

Support members

TTAG is a global community welcoming organisations (legal bodies), professionals such as clinicians, therapists, doctors, researchers, academics, teachers and benefactors (financial contribution).

Organisations (legal bodies), who through their membership declare their support of the Association’s purposes and aims (e.g., ADHD, OCD, neurological or patient organisations, research- health- and educational institutions).
Clinicians, therapists, doctors, researchers, academics, teachers e.g.
Organisations (legal bodies) and individuals supporting TTAGs purposes and aims through financial contributions.

Your benefits

  • obtain support from Tourette associations and share the best practices
  • Increased opportunities to take part in international research
  • opportunities to take part in international project and activities
  • access to joint campaigns for information and awareness
  • exchange of centralized, reliable knowledge and resources exchange at a global level
  • networking opportunities between advocates, clinicians and researchers from all over the world.
  • opportunity to support TTAG’s goals through active work and participation in specific committees

Membership Criteria

Members of TTAG are admitted on the basis of applications from associations and professionals who wish to support our work through membership.
All members are supporting important work for people with TS and their close ones and supporting a good cause.

  • Associations who want to be TTAG members shall be non- profit associations, have a legally elected board, and be a legally registered entity.
  • Members shall accept the statutes of “TTAG”. 
  • Members shall accept evidence-based treatment criteria and in general accept and disseminate information about evidence-based treatments. 

Membership fee

Members pays an annual membership fee based on the category of their membership. The membership is for a calendar year.

Tourette Associations

250 Euro per year

Support Members

Organisations: 100 Euro per year

Professionals: 50 Euro per year