About TTAG

Tics and Tourette Across the Globe (TTAG) is a global umbrella association representing
Tics and Tourette Syndrome associations.

We are people

TTAG is a voluntary, non-profit association consisting of people with Tics and TS, relatives, professionals and other interested and concerned people.
We unite associations and advocates at an international level to improve conditions for people touched by Tics and TS.


Our vision is a world in which people with tics and Tourette Syndrome are understood,
accepted, respected, empowered, and included in all contexts of life.


Our mission is to promote equality, participation, and opportunities for people with tics and
Tourette Syndrome through collaboration between advocates, clinicians, educators and
scientists around the world, to benefit those touched by this condition.


TTAG will carry out its mission and work with respect, integrity, professionalism, and
transparency focusing on collaboration, inclusion, and diversity.

TTAGs Purpose

Spread knowledge and promote TS awareness internationally to reduce ignorance, stigma, and intolerance regarding TS.

Exchange information, experience, and best practice with experts, such as clinicians, researchers, and policy makers.

Encourage international cooperation between TS associations, and other closely related national associations, and promote and support establishment of TS associations in more countries around the world.

Support and participate in national and international research, including increased patient and public engagement (PPI) and patient-driven research.

Join the TTAG-family