Welcome Acovastta: Our Newest TTAG Family Member

We are delighted to announce the latest addition to the Tics and Tourette Across the Globe (TTAG) community: the Spanish regional Tourette Association, Acovastta! This momentous occasion marks a significant milestone in our journey towards fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for individuals and families affected by Tourette Syndrome.

Acovastta, with its dedication to advocacy, support, and awareness, brings a fresh and unique perspective to our global efforts. Their commitment to enhancing the lives of those living with Tourette Syndrome aligns perfectly with our mission to promote understanding, acceptance, and accessible resources.

As we welcome Acovastta into the fold, we look forward to the opportunities for collaboration, learning, and growth that their membership brings. Together, we are stronger in our quest to make a positive impact on the lives of those touched by Tourette Syndrome across the globe.

Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Acovastta. Here’s to embracing diversity, building connections, and advancing our cause on an international scale. Welcome to the TTAG family, Acovastta!

