In Memoriam: Honoring the Legacy of Patricia Phillips

It is with a heavy heart that we at TTAG express our deepest condolences on the passing of Patricia Phillips, the Executive Director of the New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome (NJCTS). Her unwavering commitment and passionate advocacy for the Tourette community resonated deeply with us, and her legacy of dedication continues to inspire our work and mission.

Patricia’s commitment to educating others about Tourette Syndrome and advocating for those affected has left an indelible mark. We remember her as a beacon of positivity and a source of inspiration, whose contributions transcended geographical boundaries and created a global impact.

We extend our thoughts to Patricia’s colleagues at NJCTS, her loved ones, and the countless individuals she inspired. While we mourn the loss of an extraordinary individual, we also celebrate her remarkable legacy which continues to inspire us all.

In solidarity and remembrance,
The Board of TTAG

Six pictures of Patricia, some of them has other people and one of them is her with a dog. She's smiling in all of the pictures.
Six pictures of Patricia, some of them has other people and one of them is her with a dog. She's smiling in all of the pictures.

