Hafsa Killru 

Hafsa Killru is 24 years old, from Colombo, Sri Lanka. 

Hafsa got her first tics at the age of 8 and at first, it was a lot of misdiagnosis and trial medications. She had been to several doctors and experts, including neurologists, psychologists, but no one could give her the correct diagnose of Tourette Syndrome (TS) until 6 years later. 

Hafsa joined the TTAG Ambassador Programme to create awareness around TS in Sri Lanka and South Asia. Hafsa says that Tourette Syndrome is still a very new topic to South Asia. However, since she joined the Ambassador program, people have already reached out to her, sharing their own stories of Tourette Syndrome. Hafsa says that TTAG has given her strengths, confidence and hope. She is happy to be a TTAG Ambassador. 

Hafsa hopes that together, we can make the world understand, accept, respect and include people touched by Tourette Syndrome.

Click here to support our TTAG Ambassador Program with your donation.

Do you want to join Hafsa in her work raising awareness about tics and TS? Then just get in touch with us at info@ticsandtourette.org.